Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Good News!

We found out Sunday evening that I am pregnant again! I can't get in to the doctor until June 13, but they did tell me that my due date is January 29, 2007. We aren't planning on telling my family yet. They have enough to deal with right now.

Mom is still doing the same, I guess. She sleeps all the time, waking only to eat. She has lost her voice now too. Hospice comes at least three times a week to check her vitals and pain levels, which last I knew were okay; very little pain. Matt has extended his leave until July 21, so he is there to help Sara and Nana. I don't know what we would do without them. Sara especially has been wonderful. I am so grateful that God directed Sara into the nursing field. The church has been bringing dinner over every night. They too have been a huge help.


Anonymous said...

I know with all that is going on in your life, you really need something else to keep your head on straight. This baby is just the answer, not to replace anyone; but to be a Shining Star in your otherwise painful situation. I am sure the good lord has plans for you and the rest of the family. Please take the time to enjoy this pregnancy and deal with the other adversities as they come. GOD BLESS YOU MEL and the WHOLE FAMILY!

Your Buddy,

Ronda and the Davis/Garland Clan

Anonymous said...

COngrats- i miss ya girl!!! Im so sorry that everything is so bad there- your family is in my prayers-

Nicole Noyse- ( LT type now)(LOL)